I want to share some helpful tips for the bloggers blog design, perhaps as long as you do not really notice this in detail about the design of your blog. Average of only selecting a blog template that correspond with the wishes of another without regard to the element-element present in the template design.
What I mean is for example the element-element such as font, font size, background color of the blog, or the color of the font. These tips are intended for your blog more beautiful for he considers, and not infrequently a visitor when visiting a blog with a nice design / good will feel at home let alone supported by these articles useful.
Please refer to some design tips from my blog:

Selection of Fonts and font size

Font Selection is good, according to research is to use fonts like Arial, Verdana, Tahoma or Times New Roman. To check what fonts you use on your blog this font usually placed on the following CSS code: 
body { font:      } 
If your fonts are included in the criteria for a good font as I mentioned above, just skip this tip. Then the selection of the ideal font size is besarnya14px, 15 px or 16px. Please note the size of the fonts in my blog, easy to read and not too big nor too small, I used a font size of 14px. Use the font color to black and white or light background

Use the font color to black and white or light background

The results of a study confirms that the font is black on white or light background is easier on the reading from the white font on black background.

Sidebar Arrangement

The arrangement is intended to sidebar 2 things, namely advertisement (banner) and articles (recent post or popular post). The first of the ads (banners), if you follow a business or affiliate program or let's say you open a stall advertising and you want every visitor to see it.
Take advantage of your sidebar is a wise course, you can see on my sidebar there are 2 banners, pay attention to any placement you should pay attention when installing banner placement should be neat and try the same size so easy to merapihkannya, but after neatly placing your banner put up not too many, why ? please read the article about 4 Factors That Make Visitors Feel Comfortable.
The second of the articles (related post or popular post), make your sidebar as a facility that allows visitors to navigate your blog, put up the articles you find useful or interesting to the readers of your blog.

May be useful !!!